Strange Victory Presents...



Thursday 22nd May 2025



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Earth is an American rock band, currently consisting of Dylan Carlson and Adrienne Davies. The band is based in Olympia, Washington. Earth is most widely known for being pioneers in the drone metal genre of heavy metal.

Earth was formed in1989 by Dylan Carlson, Slim Moon, and Greg Babior, though through the years, the band’s line-up would undergo numerous changes, with only Carlson remaining as the core of the band. Following the release of three studio albums and an EP, as well as playing several live shows, the group disbanded.

Earth re-emerged in 2002, performing live, though now as a duo consisting of Carlson and Adrienne Davies. The group remains a duo through to today, though with several members joining and parting ways throughout the 2010s. Since their return, Earth have released nine studio albums on labels such as Sub Pop, Southern Lord etc..#